Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty is an American animated television series. The genre is sf comedy, but it's also a space horror story. It was released on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in December 2, 2013 and received great reviews from critics. It was nominated in 2015 for Best General Television/Broadcast Animation Production. There are 5 series in total, and they have been running from 2013 to present. There are 10 episodes per series and they are less than 30 minutes long! Cartoon Network is an animation channel that operates in the United States and around the world. Adult Swim is the name of the broadcast time slot set aside in the U.S. to produce programming for adults. The general director are Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. In Japan, it's a available on Netflix. Rick and Morty has been translated into 4 languages on Netflix. The main characters are Rick, a genius scientist, but he's also an alcoholic, Morty is a 14year old boy , Morty sister is name Summer, his mother is Beth, an...